A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

Boosts immune system
Improves memory
Increases sex hormones
Lowers blood pressure
Increases clarity
Increases creativity

Decreases stress hormones
Restores the body even more than
sleep does
Increases gray matter in the brain
Bridges the left and right hemi-
spheres of the brain
Increases happiness

“Our true home is the present moment.”
—Thich Nhat Hanh

Meditation Postures

In meditation, there are four main postures (see figure 6.2). No matter what
your body type is, one of the positions will work for you. You might have a
favorite position, but periodically your physical needs change, so you should
alter your posture accordingly. For example, I’ve had students who have
gone through cancer treatment, and asking them to meditate in any position
besides reclining would be unrealistic. Also, sometimes you have to adjust
to the environment you are in, such as your office, in-law’s house, car, or an
airport. The four meditation postures are cushion (6.2a), chair (6.2b), reclining
(6.2c), and walking (6.2d).

Meditation Practices

Many schools of meditation exist. The following are eight powerful practices
that are appropriate for all levels. If you are new to meditation, I recommend
trying each one. After exploring them all, you can choose the one that res-
onates with you the most. Once you select your practice, stick to it for mini-
mum of 28 days. This is important because anything you repeat will change
over time. In the beginning, you might have a lot of exciting and pleasurable
experiences. Then down the road, boredom and challenges might arise. It is
at this point that the magic starts to happen. If you switch meditation prac-
tices prematurely, you will miss an opportunity for deeper transformation.
When digging a well, you don’t want to dig a bunch of shallow holes; you
want to dig one deep hole that taps into the underground water. In the case
of meditation practice, the underground water is your true nature. Take your
time selecting a meditation practice that resonates with you, and as mentioned
previously, stay with it for a minimum of 28 days.

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