A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

Feet and Legs

When seated on the floor, it is helpful to elevate the hips higher than the
knees by sitting on a cushion or prop. This can minimize discomfort in the
knees. Placing props under the knees can minimize discomfort in the hips.
These supports become beneficial in longer meditation sits. When seated in
a chair, allow both feet to rest flat on the floor. Position the feet about hip-
width apart, finding comfort and stability. In the event that the feet do not
reach the floor, place something firm under the feet.


In meditation practice, just like in yin yoga, stillness is important. You want
to become as still as possible, minimizing fidgeting. For new meditators, it is
common for distracting sensations to arise. You might feel an itch here, an
itch there, and then some sort of uncomfortable sensation somewhere else.
Then you unconsciously react to those sensations, which keeps you stuck
within habitual patterns. Before reacting to a sensation, observe it. In many
cases it will pass or change in some way. If the sensation persists and causes
moderate discomfort, feel free to adjust the body. The key is to adjust and
move m i nd f ully.

In this chapter, we investigated the power of pranayama and meditation.
These practices are sure to complement and expand your yin yoga practice
to the next level. Come back to this chapter numerous times to explore the
different varieties of practice. The next chapter is about empowering yourself.
You will build on everything you have learned and dive into developing a
personal practice.

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