A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


that each block has three heights. By rotating or turning the block, you can
achieve the height that is appropriate for you.

A good-quality bolster is a must-have for your practice. Select a bolster that
is fairly firm and provides good support. I like the large, rectangular-shaped
bolsters as opposed to bolsters that are tube shaped. Although you could get
several bolsters, I find that one is enough. You will be able to use the bolster
in all sorts of ways to help you find your position. You can also use the bolster
as a cushion during meditation and pranayama practices.

A strap is another useful prop and is used more regularly in a restorative
yoga practice. If you find yourself inspired to do a mix of yin and restorative
yoga, then I would recommend adding one to your collection. A strap is also
helpful during cow face arms pose when the shoulders are tight. Also, if you
are stiff in your forward bends, a strap can be helpful. Straps provide lever-
age to help create a deeper stretch. An example of how this works would
be to lasso the strap around the bottom of the foot on the extended leg in
half-butterfly pose. Holding the strap with both hands, you can pull yourself
into the stretch. As your flexibility improves, you may find that the strap is

FIGURE 7.1 Yoga props and tools: block, bolsters, and strap.
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