A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


outward stimulation. Where will it get that external stimulation? Your phone!
It’s too easy. Part of the power of your yin yoga practice is that you are
retreating from technology. As we have explored, it is necessary to engage
your parasympathetic nervous system, but you can’t properly do that if you
are looking at your phone or computer or watching TV. Don’t make me send
the yin police to your house if you violate this rule!

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it
for a few minutes, including you.” —Anne Lamott

Frequency and Length of Practice
Determining how often to practice is a personal choice. Everybody is unique.
On top of that, each person’s bodily requirements change day to day and even
moment to moment. Deciding how often to practice is an intuitive decision.
The greater your consistency the greater your results, but you can overdo
anything, even something as incredible as yin yoga.
Keep in mind that Taoism is all about balance. If you are an athlete who
is training hard, then you should strive to balance your hard efforts with a
yin yoga practice. This will give the body the important time it needs for full
recovery. If you are working hard within your career, then the same advice
applies. If you work hard, then also rest hard. Too much yang energy will lead
to an imbalance and it never feels good to be sidelined with injury or illness.
For most people, I recommend practicing yin yoga about every other day
or three times a week. If you follow this plan, you should experience big
shifts within the first month of practice. This could include reduced physical
tension, less stress, and an overall sense of wellbeing. Of course, something
is better than nothing, so even if you practice once a week, you will see
positive changes. During certain times in your life, you may have more time
for practice. Take advantage of these opportunities. I’ve had many students
who have been laid off from a job and they see it as a great opportunity to
practice more yoga. Practicing yoga keeps them in a clear and positive space
until the next job opportunity comes along. When they get the new job, they
are happy about their finances, but somewhat sad that they won’t have as
much time for yoga practice.
When you start a yin yoga practice, I recommend that you cycle through
the yin practices offered in this chapter. As they say, variety is the spice of
life. It is beneficial to focus on different body areas or themes each time you
practice. This will keep your interest high and help you avoid overstressing
certain areas. Look at it like a yin style of cross-training.
As you cycle through the sequences several times, you will start to become
more accustomed to the various poses and practices. At some point, it will
make sense to check in with your body to see what it needs on any given
day. If your hips feel tight, then you can do the healthy hips sequence. If
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