A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

Half Sun Salutation (Ardha Surya Namaskar)

  1. Begin in mountain pose
    with hands in prayer po-
    sition. Take a few deep
    breaths in and out through
    the nose, activating ujjayi
    2. Inhale and slowly sweep
    the arms overhead to up-
    ward salute.
    3. Exhale and slowly dive
    down into standing for-
    ward bend.
    4. Inhale and pull the
    spine up and out into half
    forward bend. You can
    leave the fingers on the
    floor or bring the hands to
    the shins.

  2. Exhale and slowly return to
    standing forward bend.

  3. Inhale and rise to standing
    and reach the arms overhead.

  4. Exhale and return the hands
    to prayer position in mountain

  5. Repeat as often as you like.

Half sun salutation is the shortest of the yang sequences. Although it is simple, it
effectively loosens both the front and back of the body, especially the hamstrings
and low back. It gently promotes circulation of breath and blood. Although it is
listed as a yang sequence, it has a sweet yin quality. Treat it as a prayer and medi-
tation in motion. You can flow through this sequence five times or more. This is
one of my favorite sequences to do first thing in the morning.
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