A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

and it's here to stay and it's beneficial and people love it. You can easily make
an argument that says, “What we all really need to do is slow down.” “Oh, no!
I don't want to [expletive deleted] slow down because if I slow down, then I
have to feel how busy I am, and that's going to be uncomfortable. I'm going
to feel my anxiety, and my nervous energy, and my antsiness. I don't want to
feel that, so I'm just going to do busy yoga, right?” So, the argument is that
busy people need to do slow yoga to balance out their busyness. Yin yoga is
more aligned with accomplishing wellness rather than accomplishing vanity.
That's important, too, because that vanity is dominated by fear. Any action
that's coming from fear, you're not going to have good results.

T.E. What’s your favorite yin yoga pose?

B.K. Two of them just popped into my head. One is a 10-minute forward bend
(caterpillar), not that you’ll see me there a lot. [laughter] The other one is a
simple double pigeon (fire log).

T.E. Do you have a least favorite yin yoga pose?

B.K. Yes and no. The truth is no, because you can always tone any pose down
to fit you. But that frog pose is pretty brutal! [laughter]

T.E. I know you are a fellow fan of Bruce Lee, who was inspired by
the Tao. Do you have a favorite Bruce Lee quote?

B.K. "Become like water my friend," was one of his quotes, be able to move
with things instead of standing in their way. If you're stuck on one way, then you
might not be open to all these possibilities that are opening all around you.
I heard that he brought modern boxing techniques into kung fu. Of course,
all the gurus criticized him because he was perverting it. Now, he's worshiped
as an innovator. And yoga has evolved over 4,000 or 5,000 or 6,000 years. It's
not supposed to stop evolving. And we, you, me, anybody reading your book,
they're part of that evolution. So, we have to encourage people to be creative
and to trust their uniqueness and allow this to keep growing and expanding!

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