fo r
'h ygge' blanket
only that there is something different in store for you!
We are taught that we need more Instagram followers, trained to
compete with everyone else in our field, and it is drummed into us
from the earliest age to ‘be the best’. But surely we are all geniuses
in our work from the heart, and when we stop living from our heads
and the expectations of others or society, then we can begin to live
and work from our individual truth.
You are worthy of every success: and perhaps that is not what
your family think it should be, or what your yoga training taught
you. But what is right for you? What makes you happy? Nobody can
answer these questions but you.
Find your zone of genius and be there. Employ others who are in
their area of genius to support you: a web designer, an accountant,
a mentor. These are people who will do in a fraction of the time what
you may struggle to achieve, allowing you to get on with being
a fabulous yoga teacher.
2018 has a new flavour, one that hasn’t been tasted before and
the old rules don’t work. The trailblazers of today who follow their
hearts and individual truth are the leaders of tomorrow, not those
that copy what everyone else is doing and wonder why they are
getting the same results.
Moving within
The quickest way of doing this is to drop down from the chatter of
your head where doubts, judgements and fear live, and move deep
within until you reach who you really are. Only when you are quiet
can you hear the voice of your heart, and most of the time it is not
an actual ‘voice’ or even words that you hear; it is bliss.
Bliss communication is expansion, excitement and an eagerness
to take the next step. There is no room for doubt when you are fully
in the flow of bliss. Often it doesn’t make any logical sense, what
bliss is asking you to do, yet you absolutely know that you have to
walk this authentic path. From here, you tap into the possibility of
absolutely everything, like plugging in to the most powerful computer
and receiving a huge upload of information and energy. Ideas and
inspiration vie for your attention as the next project is revealed to
you over and over again, and you literally never run dry of plans for
the future.
You’ve tapped into a never-ending well and from here pure magic
is revealed. The inventors of products and services that we use as
second-nature today were cutting edge in the past, and each one
knew the secret of following their bliss and honouring their own area
of genius.
And you are a pioneer in your own unique and talented way, as
long as you don’t get bogged down by mediocrity and the sameness
of what everyone else is achieving. Trust your ability, believe in your
brilliance, and you are sure to break through to the next level of your
teaching, your home-life, your health, and your general wellbeing.
Who are you? What did you come here to do? What are your
unique talents that people will travel from all over the globe to
experience? Stop playing small and stand up straight, let the world
see you, and allow your expertise to shine bright.
Jo De Rosa is the founder and director of Inner Guidance
Retreat Centre ( and Quantum Sobriety
“Bliss communication is expansion,
excitement and an eagerness to take
the next step.”
Te acher zone