OM Yoga UK - November 2018

(Michael S) #1

om body





5 Side Crane
Try that a few times on each side. Once you’re proficient in side crane,
you don’t need to use your rear elbow as a platform anymore. Just
move the front elbow a little more towards the centre of the thigh,
then lift up as before.

7 Scissors Pose Prep
Once you are comfortable in side crane you can try coming into
scissors pose. The first time you come in, it will be helpful to use
both elbows again, to form a more stable platform. From side crane,
the lower leg will straighten out to the side and the back leg moves
straight back and up. The head is close to the floor. It is a good idea
to use your blanket crash pad and look at the lower foot, so if you do
fall you will land on your cheek.

6 Side Crane Tip
If you’re having difficulty coming up into side crane – start with your
feet on your block – it gives you a little extra lift and helps you tip into
the pose.

8 Scissors Pose
Once you have that you might also begin to practice just on one
elbow. Bring the front elbow into the centre of the thigh. Keep the free
arm bent and clamped close to the body. Straighten the lower leg out
to the side and the upper leg straight behind.

Don’t forget to practice both sides!

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Yogi: Vidya Heisel
Images courtesy of: Movement For Modern Life

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