Steffy White first got into yoga with a ‘how to’ video from former Spice Girl Geri
Halliwell. Now the London-based teacher is rocking her own show
Steffy White
OM meets...
Yoga career highs so far
There have been many! Teaching at the Sweatlife festival is always
crazy: like 500 yogis in one space, the energy is unforgettable! But
really my career highlight is probably the simple fact that I get to
teach all over the world and people travel to practice with me –
that trust, it blows my mind! Reaching people in Thailand, Russia
the USA and all through Europe really never feels real. People travel
from all over the world for my retreats and it honestly is the most
beautiful thing.
What are your plans going forward
Next year I am going to run my first teacher training and eventually I
would like to have my own yoga sanctuary where all my retreats and
trainings will take place. At the moment I am travelling every month
and I would like to one day be able to have a dedicated space where
people travel to. My home from home.
How did you first get into yoga
I remember getting the ‘Yoga with Geri’ VHS video one Christmas
when I was about 13-years-old. I learnt sun salutations with none
other than Ginger Spice in my mum and dad’s living room! That was
my way in to yoga. Haha!
Who inspired you in those early days
Well you could say my favourite Spice Girl inspired me back then!
But what really inspired me to return to yoga again and again was
the way it made me feel. I used to be so anxious and worried about
life in my early twenties; yoga felt like coming home, it made me feel
grounded and always cleared the overwhelming fog in my mind.
What does yoga give you personally
It liberates me and it reconnects me with a strong sense of spirit.
Yoga sweeps out my cobwebs and brings me into the depth of
my heart.
Any favourite teachers or studios
I have lots of favourite teachers! Honza and Claudine Lafond have
left a huge print on me, both as a teacher and as a human. Their
acro training blew my heart open and softened my edges. I am
forever grateful to them for their strength and vulnerability; they
are a massive inspiration to me. They have something special that I
have not come across before. So many teachers focus on the asana,
the pranayama, the philosophy, but connection is still missing.
And connection is our biggest healer. They bring connection and
share connection and hold space for connection like I have never
experienced. It felt quite tantric sometimes. So beautifully raw and
exposing. I have also practiced with Emma Henry for years in London
and love her story telling throughout the practice; her voice always
moves me to tears and brings me back to my heart.
How would you describe your own teaching style
Uplifting, empowering and soulful.
om body
“My career highlight is probably
the simple fact that I get to teach
all over the world and people travel
to practice with me – that trust, it
blows my mind!”