Constructive Pneumatological Hermeneutics in Pentecostal Christianity

(Barry) #1
embraced the life of holiness, and another for those who have attained the

middle state, and another for those who are moving rapidly towards

perfection.” 58 Obviously, the multiple senses of scripture are intimately

related to the stages of spiritual maturation. 59 Hence, Gregory the Great’s

famous maxim:

For as the word of God, by the mysteries which it contains, exercises the
understanding of the wise, so usually by what presents itself on the outside,
it nurses the simple-minded. It presenteth in open day that wherewith the
little ones may be fed; it keepeth in secret that whereby men of a loftier
range may be held in suspense of admiration. It is, as it were, a kind of river,
if I may so liken it, which is both shallow [ planus ] and deep, wherein both
the lamb may fi nd a footing, and the elephant fl oat at large. 60

But there is always this rub: faithful Christian readings do not just happen

and the needed interpretive skills do not spontaneously arise over time.

We have to be trained—mostly through Spirit-possibilized imitation of

others—to read scripture in its fullness so that we are drawn along toward

the fullness of God and our own fullness in God. We have to learn how to

be divining readers; that is, “spiritual” and not “carnal” readers, readers

who do not merely want to know what a text meant for the fi rst hearers, or

even what it means now for us, but who seek to respond whole-heartedly

and whole-bodily to the Father’s invitation to share in the mission and

destiny of his Son. 61


Edwards’ trinitarian aesthetics teaches us that “we do not remain external

to the beauty that captivates us, but we are made beautiful as we partake

in his beauty.” 62 We are in Christ and by the Spirit harmonized with the

Father and with another, with Creator and creation, graced to create har-

monies in and for the world’s sake, just because God’s life, which is always

giving itself to and for us, is eternally harmonious. Hence, it follows that

our readings of scripture, our efforts to “play” the scriptures beautifully,

are always purposed to create possibilities for others to be drawn into the

performance with us.

It is an astonishing realization: God gives us the responsibility of mak-

ing faithful sense of the scriptures, a responsibility we can fulfi ll only as we

come to share, more and more fully and faithfully, in the character of God.

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