A Book of Conquest The Chachnama and Muslim Origins in South Asia

(Chris Devlin) #1

Din Tosi, Nasir ud, 95-96
disciplining (of subjects), 124-127
Diu, 50, 71
divine will, 82-86, 88-90, 95
Donner, Fred M., 33
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 2om36
Dost Muhammad, 161
Dow, Alexander, 15, 21, 152, 157-163,
165, I74
Dowson, James, 168

East India Company, 152, 155, 157-158,
160, 162, 166-167, 215n18
Eastwick, J.B., 216n27
Eaton, Richard, 4, 188n8
education, 7, 171, 176-177
Egypt, 28, 34, 45, 159, 192n3
Ellenborough, Edward Law, 162
Elliot, Henry Miers, 8, 19-20, 163,
Elphinstone, Mountstuart, 8, 163,
epistemology (colonial),' 162-171. See
also colonialism; modernity; origins
Epistola Alexandri ad Aristotlem, 93
ethical frameworks: advice dynamic
and, 81-86,' 92-ro2; religious
diversity and, 101-102, 124-127; state
power and, u8-II9; women's role in,
21, 65-66, 128-149. See also conquest
narratives; politics; religion
Ethiopia, 30
Falconry in the Valley of the Indus
(Burton), 165
Fatawa-yi [ahandari (Barani), 53, 96
Faxian, 30, 198n4
Fazal bin Mahan, 44
Feroz Shah, Ruknuddin, 143
Firdawsi, 57, 94-95, IOI
Firishta (Muhammad Qasim Astrabadif,
156-158, 163, 169, 215n10
Flood, Finbarr, 188n8
Foner, Eric, 189n17
Foucault, Michel, 187n1, 212n29
Fraser, James B., 199nII
Fredunbeg, Mirza Kalichbeg, 13
Friedmann, Yohanan, II-I2
Futuh al-Buldan (Baladhuri), 26,
34-46, 63
Futuh as-Salatin !'Isami), 53

futuh narratives, 32-34. See also
conquest narratives; India; Muslims
Gadamer, Hans Georg, 204n2
Ganjawi, Nizami, 95
Genghis Khan. See Chinghiz Khan
geocentrism, 191n37
geography (of Muslim "homelands"),
48-51, 203nn60-61
Germany, 1
Ghazna, 45, 49-52, 55
Ghazni, Mahmud. See Mahmud of
Ghur, 49-50, 53, 55
Ghur, Muhammad Sam, 49
Gibbon, Edward, 18, 19on34, 19m36
Golwalker, M. S., 3
Gourzani, Safi al Din, 23
Govinda III, 74
graves, 103-107,.116, 147, 150-151, 151,
182-183, 209n3
Greeks, 28-29, 31
Green, Nile, 27-28
Griindler, Brigette, 95
Gujarat region, 26-32, 38-46, 50, 72-73,

  1. See also India; specific cities
    and subregions
    Gulsham-i Ibrahimi/Tar'ikh
    (Astrabadi), 156
    Gupta, Ashin Das, 192n3
    Gutras, Dimitri, 95
    Habib, Irfan, 12, 172
    Habib, Muhammad, 171,174
    Hajjaj bin Yusuf Thaqafi, 36-42, 82,
    86-92, 96, II?, 137-140, 146, 205n7,
    Hamdani, 36
    Hamilton, Alexander, I
    Hammond, Marie, 2IIn3
    Hardy, Peter, II, 76, 94
    Harrapa, 27
    Harun ur-Rashid, 75
    Hasan, Khurshid, II5-II6
    Himyar, 30
    Hind, 14, 26-42, 53-54, 65, 73-76, 81-92,
    134, 138-139, 175. See also Sind
    al-Hind (Wink), 31
    Hind al Hunud, 194n24
    Hinduism: colonial essentialism and,
    157-166, 170-171; Muslim polities

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