A Book of Conquest The Chachnama and Muslim Origins in South Asia

(Chris Devlin) #1

Personal Observations on Scinde
(Postans), r64
Petra, 28
philology, 2, rs
Pirmal Deo, r3 7
Pliny the Elder, 28-29, 93
politics: advice genre and, 81-86,
9r-I02, r54-155; advisors' roles and,
82, 84-85, 117-118, 135-136;
Chachnama's textual universe and,
47-48, 55-62, Sr, I07-u5, r38-r39,
r49; conquest narratives and, 33-34,
86-92, 2IOn22; divine will and,
82-86, 89-90, 95; public perception
and, 85; religious difference and, 2r,
62-67, 75-77, 86-115, 117-r27,
r42-r44, 157-162, 180-r84, r88n7,
r96n56; taxation and, r4, 25, 33, 39,
43-44, 63, 74, 88-89, I08, rr9, 127,
r36, r6o, 206n26; women and,
r28-44, 194n24,211n3
Pollock, Sheldon, 54
Postans, Thomas, 163-164, 166
postcolonialism, 180-184, 19on32
Power, Memory, Architecture
(Waggoner and Eaton), 188n8
presentism, 17
prophecy, 14, 56, 83-85, 89, 169
Pseudo-Callisthenes, 93-94
Pulakesiraja, 44
Punjab, 47-48, 50-52, 147, 178
Qabacha, Nasiruddin, 15-17, 20-2r,
51-55, 58, 8o-8r, 83, IO?
Qabusnama (Vushmgir), 95
Qadiriya, I06'
Qandabil, 45
Qani', Mir 'Ali Shir, 19, 155, 163, 214n7
Qaramita Shia, 112-u3
Qasim, Muhammad bin: Alexander the
Great and, 92-93; in Chachnama,
I0-13, 64-65, 67; colonial under-
standings of, 164-r65, 168-171;
conquest narratives of, 2, 38-44,
120-2r, 134, 146, 174-r76, r81; death
of, r4, r3r, r37-r39, r44-149;
letter-writing and, 82, 86-92, 96, 98,
206n22; mosque of, 23; Pakistani
nationalism and, r45-r47, 175-r79;
piety of, IOr-I02; religious diversity

and, u2-rr7, u9-r22, 124-127,
135-136, 154; trees of, 47-48; women
as ethical subjects and, 134-135
Qazwini, Zakariya ibn Muhammad,
Qissa Chaha Dervish, 216n23
Qur'an, 561 71, 102
Qureshi, I. H., 175
Qusdar, 45
Rahman ('Abdur-), 71-72
Rai Mahrit, 133
Rajasthan, 50
Ram (god), 4, 82
Ramanujan, A. K., 180
Rao, Narayana, 198nr
rasa'il. See letter-writing
Rasa'il Ikhwan Safa', 95, IOI
Rasal, Basami, 87
Razia, Sultan, 54, 143-144
Red Sea, 26, 28, 30, 32
religion: colonial epistemology and,
r62-17r; conquest narratives and,
I09-rr5, 156; conversions and,
u5-124, 163, r77; divine will and,
82, 88-90, 95; essentialism and,
157-163, 165-166, 171-179, r94n23;
nationalisms and, I04-I06, 151,
171-182; political accommodation
and, 21, 86-92, I03-rr5, u7-127,
135-136, 142-144, 154, 180-184;
sacral sites and, ro, 23-26, 69,
I03-I07, n2-113, 115-n6, 120-125,
128-131, 182-r83, r96n56; women's
roles in, 128-r32, r47. See also
Hinduism; Jains; Muslims; Sikhism
"Religion, Politics, and Modernity"
(Kaviraj), 188n7
Religion and Society in Arab Sind
(Maclean), 12
Reynolds, Dwight, 95
Richards, John F., 188n7
Richardson, C. M., 202n50
Rishahr, 30
Rizvi, S. A. A., II?
romantic elements (of Chachnama),
9-12, r30, 145, 149, 170-171, 174
Rome, 27-29, r92n3
Roof, Dylann, r89nr7
ruby eyes, 109-n4
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