Microsoft’s redesigned navigation bar takes some getting
used to and feels less intuitive than the previous version,
but the end result is more space for viewing web pages
and browser windows that are less likely to be spoofed.
IE7 comes with a search box, just like Firefox.
Like its competitor, you can choose from a
variety of providers to use as your default
search engine.
Tabbed browsing finally
makes its way into Internet
Explorer , and the quick tabs
feature gives you a thumbnail
image of each tab that’s cur-
rently open.
IE’ s familiar padlock has been
moved to the top of the screen
and will appear on a red back-
ground if a URL’s security cer-
tificate seems suspect.
Along with a pop-up blocker
and phishing filter, IE7 now
supports third-party add-ons
that allow you to customize
your browsing experience.
Internet Explorer 7
It’s been ages since Microsoft released a major update to Internet Explorer, and IE7
brings to the table several features that separate it from earlier versions