reviews Tes Ted. Reviewed. veRdic Tized
MAXIMUMPC february 2007
he MP3-player landscape is littered
with me-too merchandise, so a new
product needs a little something extra
if it’s to rise above the noise. Samsung’s
YP-K5 succeeds with clever slide-out speak-
ers and a 1.7-inch OLED screen; unfortunate-
ly, its $210 asking price is much too steep for
a player with just 2GB of flash memory.
Samsung’s pricing strategy is regrettable
because the YP-K5 looks great and sounds
terrific with headphones. While we’d never
classify its diminutive speakers as “hi-fi”
(drivers measuring just one-half-inch wide
can push only so much air), they’re better
than some of the portable add-on jobs we’ve
auditioned. They slide out from the bottom
of the player on a sturdy set of rails to form
a convenient stand. You wouldn’t want to
subject your ears to these speakers for any
length of time, but they come in handy when
you want to share a tune with a friend.
All but the crappiest earbuds sound
better than the YP-K5’s microscopic speak-
ers, but we were impressed by the audio
quality and uniquely comfortable design of
Samsung’s earphones: Their bodies fit snug-
ly outside your ear canals, while pliable rub-
ber tips protrude ever so slightly into them.
They’re much more comfortable than most
models we’ve tested, and when paired with
the YP-K5, they serve up plenty of punchy
bass without compromising the middle and
high end of the dynamic range.
We found the player’s touch-screen
controls to be just slightly twitchy, but
Samsung puts the OLED to good use with
an intuitive user interface for browsing your
music and photo collections and chang-
ing the player’s many settings. The display,
which automatically changes to fit the
player’s horizontal or vertical orientation,
defaults to a graphic EQ with the current
song title scrolling beneath it. This is even-
tually replaced by a programmable screen-
saver (choices include an analog clock,
animated graphics, and digital photos). The
player doesn’t support video at all.
The speakers accomplish their goal of
rendering Samsung’s YP-K5 unique, but we
expect a lot more than a gimmick for this
kind of money.
—Michael Brown
yp-k5 Mp3 playER
neil Dia MonD
Rhapsody and PlaysForSure
support, great sounding ear-
phones, excellent display.
BlooD Dia MonD
Doesn’t play video, and the
built-in speakers don’t justify the high price tag.
MicroSoFT ZUne
If you still want to buy a Zune after read-
ing our review, you’d better not count on
filling it with music from Microsoft’s Zune
Marketplace. While our view of the 30GB
player is a matter of opinion, the tiny inven-
tory of music that Microsoft has on tap is a
sad matter of fact.
Aside from its large, excellent dis-
play, the Zune’s most prominent physical
feature is a control mechanism that looks
remarkably like the iPod’s scroll wheel;
unfortunately, Microsoft’s “wheel” doesn’t
spin. It’s actually four buttons arranged at
compass points, with a fifth button in the
center, but as you’ve probably guessed,
the very first thing every person did when
we wordlessly handed them the Zune was
try to spin that nonexistent wheel.
One of the Zune’s most hyped features
is its ability to wirelessly transfer tracks
(and pictures) to another Zune. Don’t get
too excited about the music-sharing half
of this equation: You can transfer tracks
you’ve purchased or ripped, but the recipi-
ent can play them just three times; the
tracks expire after three days whether
they’ve been played or not, and they can’t
be resent to the same player (although
we’ve heard of a hack that disables this
limitation). The Zune’s wireless-networking
capabilities are more interesting, but you’re
limited to streaming digital audio, video,
and photos to Xbox 360 consoles sitting on
your wireless network.
The Zune’s not a terrible first
effort—it sounds good and Microsoft out-
fitted it with a fine screen—but it seems
to us that the features that could have
set it apart from Apple’s iPod are really
designed only to tie the Zune’s users into
buying other Microsoft products.
—Michael Brown
Samsung YP-K5 MP3 Player
Wee speakers don’t justify a giant price tag
Samsung’s YP-K5 features built-in speakers, an FM tuner, PlaysForSure support, an
alarm clock, and a great display. But it’s much too expensive for a 2MB player that
doesn’t support video.