
(Greg DeLong) #1


Divine Meditations: 26 Spiritual Qualities of the Bhagavad Gita

Jenny Light
John Hunt Publishing

Learn to meditate consciously and discover your Divine heritage through self-realisation.
Divine Meditations: 26 Spiritual Qualities of the Bhagavad Gita is an inspirational,
spiritual workbook which unravels the cosmic illusion of duality using intuitional
wisdom, pranayama, meditations and prayers. Structured in four parts and focusing
upon meditation in reference to Patanjali’s eightfold path of yoga, the Bhagavad Gita,
the reader will learn: conscious breathing (pranayama) to alter the brainwaves into
delta waves; conscious meditation to achieve a super-conscious state; and to find that
happiness is our natural, God-given state.

Yoga for Mental Health

Heather Mason and Kelly Birch
Handspring Publishing, £35

The therapeutic use of yoga is steadily
increasing, particularly within the
management of mental health. Yoga’s
potential as a key component of integrative
and complementary mental healthcare is
now being recognised internationally. This
book serves as a guide for how and why
this mind-body practice can be used as
an adjunct in treatment. It acts as a bridge
between yoga therapy and healthcare:
collating therapeutic and clinical viewpoints
from 20 experts in the fields of research,
mental health, yoga therapy and education. It
also provides answers for yoga therapists on
how to modify their practice for clients with
mental health conditions and offers greater
guidance to other healthcare professionals

  • psychotherapists, psychologists, allopathic
    practitioners - who are seeking to integrate
    yoga into their clinical work.

Yoga teacher Emma Després has always
been drawn to travel and learning about new
cultures. So when the opportunity arose to
trek to Everest Base Camp and volunteer
at a Nepali village school, she jumped at it.
Not only was it a great excuse to leave her
corporate life and on/off relationship behind,
but it also gave her the chance to connect
with the spiritual energy of the scared
Himalayas, and offer her some welcome
breathing space to consider her next steps in
life. However, it was only when she stepped
off the plane in Lukla that she realised that
her daily yoga practice had not exactly
equipped her for trekking up the world’s
tallest mountain. This self-published book
charts her physical, emotional and spiritual
journey through the various stages of her
climb to and from Base Camp. Available from
Amazon and Waterstones.

The Yoga Sutras is Patanjali’s classic text on
how to experience oneness (samadhi) within
yoga practice. Serious yoga students want
to bring the wisdom of the Sutras to their
practice but often find the text impenetrable
and difficult to relate to. Here, ISHTA Yoga
founder and Tantric master Alan Finger, along
with yoga teacher Wendy Newton, offers an
interpretation of the Sutras that is clear and
immediately relevant — and which shows
contemporary practitioners that samadhi is
something that they can experience here and
now. Viewed through a Tantric framework,
the author shows us how the Sutras describe
the yogic process that both leads us to the
experience of samadhi and allows us to weave
the wisdom and grace of that experience back
into our everyday lives.


Emma Després, £9.99

Tantra Of The Yoga Sutras:
Essential Wisdom For Living
With Awareness And Grace

Alan Finger, $14.95, Shambhala

Further reading:

Te acher zone

Free download pdf