
(Greg DeLong) #1

om mind

of more completeness and an increased sense of wellbeing
and wholeness.
Meditation is a great way to connect into the heart. The more we
move away from the logical, analytical mind, and move into more
heart centeredness, the more we can train ourselves to get into
higher frequencies, which will help in all aspects of living.
That feeling of being in love is one that we spend most of our
life chasing from a young age. Research shows we are happiest
when we are giving to others, sharing, helping and providing real
connection and love to others. Giving someone our undivided
attention and showing up in that moment is the greatest gift we
can give to another human being.

When someone asks me, ‘What is love?’ I reply that it’s actually
a feeling and a frequency.
When you meditate, you go inside quietly and ask your higher
self to connect with your heart and bring you into a quiet space of
loving acceptance. This is a place where there is no judgement and
the monkey mind can be dropped for a while; here, you can enjoy
that pure sense of being in the flow with love. Feel where your heart
is and allow your attention to go there. The more we focus into our
heart space, the more this area will open and allow the energy of
love to live in our bodies on a daily basis. Feel more, think less.

Susie Pearl is a mentor, author and conscious living coach

“Being deeply loved
by someone gives you
strength, while loving
someone deeply gives
you courage.”
Lao Tzu

“The best and most beautiful things
in this world cannot be seen or even
heard, but must be felt with the heart.”
Helen Keller
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