Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1

Appendix 273

the Jews in Twelfth-Century Rome: Papal Attitudes toward Biblical Judaism and Contemporary

European Jewry (ph.d. dissertation, Louisiana State University, 2005).

Throughout the book i have used the editions of papal letters of Grayzel and Simonsohn,

as well as Simonsohn’s masterly summary: The Apostolic See and the Jews. History (Toronto,

  1. which accompanies his six volumes of documents. in the nineteenth century emil

Friedberg compiled complete editions of the Decretum, the Quinque antiquae compilationes,

and Raymond of peñafort’s Liber extra decretalium, and i have used these for this study.

Also invaluable have been Gratian, ‘Concordia discordantium canonum’, Corpus iuris can-

onici, ed. e. Friedberg, Vol. 1 (Leipzig, 1879), Gregory ix, pope, ‘Liber extra decretalium’,

Corpus iuris canonici, ed. e. Friedberg, Vol. 2 (Leipzig, 1881), pp.5–928, and the Quinque

compilationes antiquae, ed. e. Friedberg (Leipzig, 1882). A reliable, if early, edition which i

have also used is innocent iV, Apparatus super quiinque libris decretalium (Turin, 1581). A

lack of nineteenth- and twentieth-century editions of other important thirteenth-century

texts of formal canon law concerned with heretics and Jews has often meant reliance on

fifteenth- and sixteenth-century editions. Here catalogues such as John Oates, A Catalogue

of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in the University Library, Cambridge (Cambridge,

1954), have been invaluable.

With respect to conciliar legislation, including Church councils held in the south of

France during the period of the Albigensian Crusade, the standard collected edition used

by historians remains Mansi’s Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, published

in the eighteenth century and based on the earlier collections of editors such as that of

Labbé. There are also a number of much more recent editions and studies of conciliar legis-

lation pertaining in particular to the Lateran Councils of the period, for example, Decrees of

the Ecumenical Councils, Vol. 1: Nicaea I to Lateran V, ed. n. Tanner (London, 1990), and

Jacques Berlioz, Identifier sources et citations, L’Atelier du médiéviste 1 (Turnhout, 1994).

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