Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1

chronicles ix, x, 28–30, 36, 39–45, 40nn61–2,
42nn72, 75, 44n83, 49n111, 68, 71, 81, 99,
102, 110, 112, 112n56, 113, 114n63, 115,
135, 146, 178, 271
‘Chronicles of William of Newburgh’ 44n87, 118n84
Church councils 70, 92, 94, 104, 130, 141,
143, 146, 171, 273
Church courts 141, 192
Church discipline 104, 180
Church dogma 53
Church fathers ix, 6, 104, 105, 180, 268
Church in Sicily 138
Church of Magdeburg 140n34
Church of Rimini 136
Church of St Stephen 72
Church of the Holy Sepulchre 11
Church policy 3, 3n7, 5n16
Church vessels 148
churches 39, 67, 74, 89, 111, 118n87, 130,
137–40, 150, 156, 167, 168, 176, 182, 189,
190, 211, 214, 261
cinnamon 238
circumcision 187
Cistercian abbot of Aulne 159
Cistercian monastery at
Chalon-sur-Saône 262n101
Cistercian monastery of Cambron 84n102
Cistercians 39n58, 84n102, 116, 159, 233,
civil law 74, 79, 247
Clairvaux 34n32, 39n58, 114, 116, 116n76–8,
117n81, 146, 146n66, 194, 222, 222nn113–14,
230, 231, 241, 262n101
Classical texts 52
clemency 76, 79, 152, 248, 267
Clement III, pope 12n58, 16, 17n76, 79,
79n70, 109, 109n35, 182, 208, 208n15,
227, 232, 235, 242, 257, 257n71, 275
Clement III (antipope) 43, 77, 112, 182
Clement III, ‘Quam gravis et’ 79n70, 109, 109n35
Clement IV, correspondence of 263
Clement IV, ‘Non sine misterio’ 125
Clement IV, pope 1, 1n2, 14, 23n110, 24,
25n122, 27, 96, 123n116, 125, 125n129,
169, 169nn30–1, 174, 174nn57–8, 177,
177nn77–8, 206, 206nn292–3, 212,
212nn52–3, 214, 214nn61–3, 216, 216n72,
218, 253, 253n46, 255, 255n60, 260,
260n88, 263–5, 267, 276
Clement IV, ‘Turbato corde’ 1, 1n1, 24, 25,
25nn122, 124, 96, 214, 214nn62–4, 215,
215n67, 216, 216n77, 217, 218, 260,
260n88, 261, 261n93
Clement V, pope ix, 81n87, 133, 133n75,
140n34, 160n161, 236, 258, 258n74, 276
Clement V, ‘Exurgat Deus’ 133, 133n175,
clergy of Barcelona 210, 257
clergy of Constantinople 257
clergy of France 120, 151, 157

clergy of province of Aix 261
clergy of province of Arles 215, 261
clergy of province of Embrun 215, 261
clergy of Sens 155
clerical garb 179
Clerical Orders 173
Clermont 41, 43, 43n81, 108, 110–13,
113n62, 124, 134
Cluny 47, 146, 211
‘coacti’ 77, 78, 213, 213n56
collective memory 30n11, 31, 33
Cologne 9n45, 18n82, 87, 114, 132, 200n252,
Colosza 175, 193
commentaries 8, 8n41, 9, 53n139, 54, 59n177,
61, 71, 103–5, 180, 184, 184n133, 185,
186, 191, 199, 216n78
commune of usurers 262, 262n97
communion 84, 84n102, 87–9, 142, 147n73,
174n55, 184n130
community of Rome 226–9, 229n20, 239,
community of the faithful 14, 14n66
commutation 57
‘compelle intrare’ 250
Compilatio Prima 181, 182, 182n111, 183
Compilatio Quarta 182
Compilatio Quinta 183
Compilatio Secunda 182, 183n123
Compilatio Tertia 107, 119, 162, 183, 192
Compostella 156, 176, 193
Comtat Venaissin 25, 26n125, 32, 32n22, 95,
135n182, 160n161, 213n57, 215, 261
conciliar legislation 2, 14n62, 27, 28, 97, 122,
140, 142, 164, 180, 191, 261, 267, 273
Conciliar Movement 32, 58n177
Concordat xiv, xv, xvi
Concordia discordantium canonum 75, 180,
273; see also Decretum of Gratian
confiscation 89, 118n87, 155
Conrad II of Germany (emperor) 235
Conrad III of Germany (emperor) 114
consecration 236, 238, 239, 239n101
Constantine I (Roman emperor) 74, 233
Constantinople 8, 9n41, 112, 119,
249, 257
‘Constitutio pro Iudaeis’ 1n2, 12, 16, 17,
24,43, 43n79, 45, 64, 74, 77–83, 81n87,
90, 98, 102, 108–10, 113, 113n59, 115,
175, 182, 185, 191, 208, 232, 248, 252,
255, 263
Constitutio super Ordinatione Regni Siciliae 93
Constitution 71 of Lateran IV 123, 161
Continuations of the History of William
Archbishop of Tyre 117
Contra Iudaeos of John Chrysostom 8, 8n39, 9
Contra Iudaeos of St Augustine of Hippo 73
Contra perfidiam Iudaeorum of Peter of Blois
13–14n62, 222, 222n116
convent of Cluny 211

304 Index

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