Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1

papal states 3n11, 5, 15, 25, 25n128, 26n128,
32, 32n21, 119, 226, 227, 246
papal vicar 208
papal–imperial relations 37
papal–Jewish relations 1, 2, 15, 27, 63–5, 217,
244, 245, 266, 271
Parable of the Vineyard 54
Paris 13, 22, 38, 88, 121, 123, 133, 134, 138,
139, 143, 151, 158, 165, 171, 182, 193,
195–9, 201–5, 207, 212, 227, 230, 240,
241, 244
Paris Disputation 22, 47–51, 50nn117, 119,
69, 72, 96, 195
Paris jury 201, 203
parishes 72, 87, 89, 118n87, 139, 140n34,
141, 156, 179
Parisian coins 88
parricide 140
Partito Popolare xv
Paschal II, pope 114, 124, 229, 235, 275
passagium generale 101
Passion xix, 17, 82n89, 89n133, 103, 170,
188, 220
Passion Sunday 170
Passover 12, 48, 81, 82, 84, 86, 97, 205
patriarch of Constantinople 8, 249
Patristic texts 266
Paul, St 2n3, 3n7, 5, 6, 6n26, 7n27, 8n40,
13n58, 16n75, 17nn75–6, 18n84, 20n96,
98, 22n106, 23n113, 27, 27n130, 73, 76,
78, 89n130, 183n125, 246
Paul Christian/Paul Christianus/Pablo
Christiani, Friar 62, 196, 204, 206, 207,
213, 214, 217, 224
Paul IV, ‘Cum nimis absurdum’ 226n1
Paul IV, pope 3n7, 7n28, 20n96, 22n106,
27n130, 226n1, 276
Paul VI, pope 276
Pauline theology 75, 82
Pauline–Augustinian idea of protection 69,
207, 265
Pauline–Augustinian theology 268
Paulinzelle (Benedictine monastery
of ) 160n161
‘Peasants Crusade’ 111
Pelagius 120
penalties 39n59, 66, 137, 141, 165, 172,
187–9, 209, 245
penance 59, 107, 108, 141, 159
penitential prayers 33n27
People of God 63
pepper tributes 242
peregrinatio 101, 106
‘Perfidia’ 12n58, 16nn74–5, 77, 77n61, 79n72,
80nn75–7, 83n96, 109n38, 151n100,
152n111, 168n25, 174n58, 175n65,
177n78, 197n231, 199nn248–9, 205n291,
206nn292–3, 248nn9, 11–12, 250n20, 25,
252–6, 263n102, 267n7
perfidious Jews 9, 193, 254, 254n52

‘perfidus’ 253
Perfidy 16, 79, 80, 88, 151, 152, 197, 221, 222,
230, 249, 252, 253, 253n45, 254, 254n52
perjury 140
Perpignan 56
persecution 2n3, 10, 10n46, 11n50, 12, 24,
34n32, 43, 43n77, 44, 63, 70–2, 81,
87n119, 92, 107, 112, 113, 113n58, 114,
135, 146, 167, 191n187, 222n113, 232
Peter, St 34n32, 55, 55n157, 57, 76, 222, 268
Peter Abelard 231
Peter Alfonsi/Petrus Alfonsi 47, 194
Peter Arnaldi of Sarrians 213n57
Peter Capuano 119
Peter Damian 9n45, 52, 105, 221, 221n110
Peter I of Aragon 194
Peter II of Aragon 125, 129
Peter IV of Aragon 217
Peter Leone 230
Peter of Blois 9, 9n45, 13n62, 52, 222, 222n116
Peter of Castelnau 128
Peter the Chanter 9, 9n45, 16, 16n73, 149,
220, 220n102
Peter the Hermit 111, 132
Peter the Lion (Petrus Leonis) 231
Peter the Venerable, abbot of Cluny 47, 146
Petrus, convert from Judaism 195
Petrus Mallius 234
Petrus Pierleoni 229
Pharaoh 62
Philip de Montfort 157
Philip II Augustus of France 25, 32n21, 49,
49n115, 67, 117, 118, 118n87, 120, 129,
132, 138, 148, 150, 152, 154, 155, 156,
166, 193, 211, 244
Philip IV ‘the Fair’ of France 134, 217
Philip V of France 134
Philip VI of Valois 84n102
philosophy 29n9, 31n15, 53, 57n165,
60n188, 71
physicians, Christian 93, 95, 97
physicians, Jewish 69, 92, 93, 93n150, 152,
93nn154, 155, 94–7, 189
Picardy 132
Pierleoni (family) 221, 229–31
Pietro Collivaccino 162, 181
Pietro Tacchi-Venturi xv
piety 4, 33n27, 44n83, 89, 114n63, 144n54,
pilgrimage 84n102, 101, 106, 110, 111, 124
pilgrims 85n106, 101, 107, 111
Pius X, pope 276
Pius XI, ‘Humani generis Unitas’ xvi
Pius XI, ‘Mit Brennender Sorge’ xvi
Pius XI, ‘Non abbiamo bisogno’ xv
Pius XI, pope 276
Pius XI, ‘Quas primas’ xiv
Pius XII, pope 276
Plato 223
Platonists 223

Index 317

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