Program WebPage brief DescriPtion
Still Quiet Place A book that outlines a mindfulness curriculum,
it outlines an 8-week mindfulness-based stress
reduction (MSBR) program that therapists,
teachers, and other professionals can use to
help students manage stress and anxiety in their
lives and to develop their natural capacities for
emotional fluency, respectful communication,
and compassionate action. The mindfulness
practices in the program’s guide are said to be
designed to help increase attention, learning,
resiliency, and compassion by showing students
how to experience the natural quietness
that can be found within oneself. For K–12
educators, focusing on grades 4 to 7. There is
some research support (see Weare, 2013).
SMART: Stress
and Relaxation
Techniques in
SMART in Education is an evidence-based
personal renewal program designed especially
for faculty and staff working in early childhood
education through grade 12 settings. It is
modeled after the MBSR program (Weare,
2013). It is designed to increase teacher
attention, awareness of emotion, empathy, and
compassion. The program involves experiential
activities in mindfulness including meditation,
emotional awareness, and movement. Weekly
meetings also include presentations and group
discussions. There is some research support for
the program (see Weare, 2013).
Stop, Breathe,
This is a step-by-step mindfulness curriculum
that guides participants through a variety of
mindfulness activities, personal reflections, and
group discussions. It is designed to be integrated
into advisory classes, character- and leadership-
building classes, and enrichment electives.
With Pause
With Pause offers a variety of programs from a
short workshop to an in-depth 8-week training
series. The programs offer mindfulness tools
and exercises that can be used immediately
to manage classroom stressors, and offer
exercises and techniques to enhance your focus,
become more in-tune with your emotions,
better live in line with your personal values, and
help students and teachers deal with stress,
handle emotional situations, and expand self-
awareness. Focused on Pre-K to high school.
Source: Black, Milam, and Sussman (2009), Burke (2010), Meiklejohn et al. (2012), Sprengel and Fritts (2012);
Weare (2013), Zenner et al. (2014)
ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; MBSR, mindfulness-based stress reduction; SEL, social
emotional learning.
TABlE 8.1 Additional Mindfulness Programs for Schools and Youth (continued )