om spiritom spirit
racticing self-love is an ongoing commitment to
nourishing the most important relationship we have in
our lives: the one with ourselves. It’s an unconditional
acceptance for ourselves; the understanding that we
don’t need validation from external sources, but we’re
already perfect just as we are. Until we ind this space of peace
and acceptance within, we’ll always be looking elsewhere.
Each month we’ve been exploring a diferent self-love practice,
and this month we’re uncovering why gratitude is a fundamental
aspect of learning to love ourselves. We hear a lot about gratitude
as a way to live more mindful, conscious, happy lives, and this
goes hand in hand with self-love. Gratitude is about appreciating
everything we are blessed with now, no matter how small or
seemingly insigniicant these may be. Gratitude is about celebrating
where we’re at and what we have right now, rather than focusing on
what’s wrong, or what we don’t have. Self-love asks the same of us:
it asks us to appreciate and celebrate ourselves
as we are now, rather than focusing on what we
need to change.
A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.
Once you start to live life from a place of
gratitude for all you have rather than from a
place of scarcity, your attitude towards life,
yourself, and ultimately, how you love yourself,
totally changes. When you practice gratitude
daily, you begin to see all the blessings around
you, and that includes the blessing that is you.
As you begin to be truly grateful for yourself
and how you are now, you treat yourself with
the love you truly deserve. So practicing
gratitude leads us to deeper levels of self-love,
and practicing self-love reinforces all we have to
be grateful for. They go hand in hand.
Practicing gratitude doesn’t have to be
complicated and doesn’t have to take much
time at all. Small, consistent ways to remind
ourselves of the things we are grateful for
work best.
Here are a few suggestions for how you can
start a gratitude practice today:
n When you wake up, remind yourself of three
things you’re grateful for
n Every day, tell someone you love how much
you appreciate them
n Keep a gratitude journal, and each evening
write down something from your day that
you’re grateful for
n Smile more often, for no reason at all
n Notice the beauty in nature every day
n When public transport is running late, rather than complaining,
stop and think of one thing you’re grateful for in that moment
It’s easy to practice gratitude when life is going well, just like it’s
easy to love ourselves when we’ve achieved something, when
we think we look good, or when we have something speciic to
celebrate ourselves for. The real work is to practice gratitude and
self-love even when things don’t feel like they’re going well. To
realise that wherever we are, right this moment, is worth celebrating
and being grateful for.
Sabi Kerr is a yoga teacher and life coach. It’s her passion to
support people in developing deep levels of self-love, so that they
can move forwards and create their fullest lives (