om body
New video platform
launching at
Om Yoga Show,
Manchester, Stand V2a
l Forrest Yoga
l Hatha Yoga
l Aerial Yoga
l Relaxation
l Meditation & International
Guest Teachers
3 day free trial, £11.99 per month @yogawarrioruk
- Take 5 deep breaths here and release.
- Repeat on both sides and feel free to do
more than one set. - This move is great for cleansing and
rinsing out your organs, which can get
clogged when you’re sitting for hours.
Seated Savasana
This is a simple but very beneicial pose
especially if you’re feeling stressed or fatigued.
It gives you a moment to breathe, get back
into the body and go with the travel low.
- Sit comfortably in a chair (as comfortable
as possible at an airport or on a plane!) - Close your eyes and let go of all muscle
tension in the body. - Keeping your eyes closed: notice the
sensations in the body and let them pass
without judgement.
4. Stay here for as long as you can
(minimum 3 minutes) and take deep breaths
in and out of the body.
5. Start to bring awareness back into the
body and open your eyes slowly.
Stay hydrated! This might seem like a very
obvious one but unfortunately lots of people
are not getting enough luids when travelling.
We spend time in a climate controlled
environment where the relative humidity
can be as low as 10-15%. To put this in
perspective this is three times dryer than the
Sahara Desert. If you know that you sufer
from anxiety try to steer away from cafeine
and alcohol as this will make the problem a
lot worse!