Maha Mudra takes us right to the heart of Hatha Yoga, requiring
unlinching physical stability and a capacity to surrender into
witness-consciousness while cultivating a potent and transformative
heat within. According to Krishnamacharya, the ultimate
achievement for a yogi is to hold Maha Mudra for 32 minutes on
each side.
Common Mistakes
n Bending the elbows and rounding the spine.
n Fidgeting.
n Underestimating its potency.
n Overestimating our own capacity to manage intensity.
n Slowly build the length of time holding the pose. Be humble.
n Use Sama Vritti breathing (balanced inhale and exhale).
n Add breath retentions to increase the arc of challenge.
n Add the three major bandhas (Jalandhara, Uddiyana and Mula)
to move towards mastery of the pose.
n Focus on Muladhara Chakra and apply Mulabandha throughout
the practice to activate the dormant energy at the base of the
spine (Kundalini).
n Focus on Manipura Chakra and apply Uddiyana Bandha on
exhale retensions to build will power and self-reliance.
n Use upper chest breathing and inhale retentions to mobilise
prana around the heart to prepare for heart-based meditations.
n Focus between the eyebrows and remember the mantra OM to
build concentration power and single-pointedness of mind.
Octavio Salvado is the co-founder and owner of The Practice,
a Hatha Yoga school in Bali dedicated to keeping tradition
alive, where he runs ongoing trainings, workshops and retreats
Photo Credit: Emma Salvado
Maha Mudra
(The Supreme Gesture)