OM Yoga Magazine – April 2019

(avery) #1
• Liberating yoga retreats in
Göltürkbükü, Bodrum - the
Turkish riviera
• May-June, Sept-Oct
• Famous vegetarian and living
020 8699 1900 (London)
0090 542 681 8009

Far����se & Co�n��y���e Yog�

D o r s e t | U K | S e p t 2 - 5 2 0 1 9

S T A N D A R D P R I C E : £ 5 5 0 - P E R P E R S O N - T W I N O R D O U B L E RO O M.
E A R L Y B I R D P R I C E : £ 9 9 0 T W I N O R D O U B L E F O R T W O T I L L A P R I L 2 1 S T

Enjoy a rejuvenating and inspiring week (Mon-Thurs) of nourishing
activities in stunning UK countryside scenery.
A diverse and transformational daily yoga practice.
Trek through the stunning villages, vistas and valleys of Dorset.
Exquisite nutritious vegetarian food.
3 nights, beautiful farmhouse, all rooms en suite.

w w w. a s r a m a. c o. u k
a s r a m a o n l i n e @ g m a i l. c o m
+ 4 4 7 7 9 2 1 4 3 2 9 6

2 018

50 incredible yoga retreats from around the world

travel guide
2 019

A Yoga Retreat
Like No Other

7th-13th July 2019

Val d'Isere, French Alps


Contact Ariane: info@healtoshine.comContact Ariane:

"Bre“Breathwork and all the
delightful activities helped
me see my true nature
and face my inner conflicts
and dilemmas”

  • Yoga (all levels)

  • Meditation

  • Breathwork Circles

  • Hiking

  • Vegetarian food

    • Health and wellness

    • Self-expression

    • Luxurious chalet

Reconnection with Self through:


to see the whole guide

Free download pdf