Supporting Social Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Insights from Research and Practice

(WallPaper) #1

184 Index

Smith, E. F. 87
social capital 101–2
social exclusion 75–6; outcomes associated
with 76–7
social inclusion and Autism Spectrum
Disorder 9–17; Autism Spectrum Disorder
10–11; enactment of social inclusion
in the school context 14; equity of
representation 17; inclusion in education
11–12; social inclusion 13–14; social skills
15–17; student as influencer 14–15
social inclusion for students with Autism
Spectrum Disorder 21–8; evidence-based
interventions 23–7; importance of social
interventions for students with ASD
22–3; least restrictive environment 21;
paraeducator support 26; peer-mediated
interventions 26; Pivotal Response
Treatment 26; priming 24; social
impairments in students with ASD 21–2
Social Role Valorization 104
social vulnerability see bullying and social
vulnerability of students with Autism
Spectrum Disorder
Solomon, A. 10
Spears, R. 47
special educational needs (SEN) 12; family
and 145; international educational
policy on 72; perception of the pupil
with 145; transition management and
92; young people with, challenges of
transition for 85
Sprague, J. 168, 170
Stackhaus, J. 25
Staunton, S. 86, 87, 88, 94
Stephenson, J. 74
Stichter, J. P. 136, 148
Strain, P. S. 60
Strang, J. F. 22
Strauss, A. L. 125
Strnadová, I. 146
Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers
(SDAC) 11

Tait, K. 158
Tansey, T. N. 118
Terras, M. M. 85
tertiary education 108
Tobin, H. 87
Topping, K. J. 87, 88, 89
Trainor, S. 35
transition from primary to secondary school
for students with Autism Spectrum
Conditions 84–98; attitude towards school
95–6; bullying 94–5; communication

92–3; experience of transition from
students, parent and teacher perspectives
91–7; identity, Autism and 96; literature
review 85–8; new friendships and the
peer group 94; primary to secondary
school transition 86–7; recommendations
97; relationships 94; satisfaction with
school across the transition 89–90;
satisfaction with school and social
inclusion 88–9; special educational needs
85; study 89; support 93–4; transition
planning and management 91–2
Turcotte, A. 26
typically developing (TD) peers, use of
in school settings (support for social
inclusion) 131–8; future directions 138;
impact of being a peer model 136; peer
burden and burnout 137; peer-mediated
approaches 132–4; peer-mediated
intervention outcomes 134; peer models
131–2; peer relationships 131, 135; school
supports 137; selection of peer models
134–6; social demands, changing 135

UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child 144
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disability (CPRD) 101, 106
Underwood, D. M. 86
Upadhyaya, S. 162

valued social roles 104
van de Meer, L. 163
van Houten, E. 13
Venkateswaran, S. 162
Volkmar, F. 12

Wakefield, Andrew 11
Walden Early Childhood Programs 64–5
Wallace, G. L. 22
Walton, K. M. 147
Wang, C, K, J. 118
Watkins, N. 25
weak ties 108
Wehby, J. H. 136
Weir, K. 146, 147
Weiss, J. A. 80
Whalon, K. J. 15
White, S. W. 12
Wills, M. C. 22
Winefield, T. 35
Wolfensberger, W. 104

Zercher, C. 60
Ziviani, J. 73
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