Yoga for Speech-Language Development

(Steven Felgate) #1


Page numbers in italics refer to figures and

adjective suffixes 103
benefits of yoga 17–18
shared book reading 124–5, 129–32
see also family classes; infant-caregiver
classes; infant-caregiver practices
airplane pose 99
alphabet knowledge 128–9, 137–8
alternate nostril breath 77–8, 85
American Psychiatric Association 44, 46, 47,
48, 49, 50, 55, 65
American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association (ASHA) 79, 89
books 132–3
miniature replicas 112–13
named in poses 114, 115
roles 120
antonym pairs 100
apraxia 79, 89
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(AD/HD) 49–50, 64
benefits of yoga 45
breathing exercises 73, 74, 79
reading disorders 139
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) 49
benefits of yoga 45–6
breathing exercises 74–5, 79
comprehension problems 65
deictic pronouns 104
deictic and representational gestures 64
echolalia 92–3
literacy challenges 138–9
play-language relationships 109, 113
routines and repetition 135
self-other relationships 118
shared book reading 131

baby massage 57–8, 65–6
bee breath 75, 120
belly breathing 73, 74
Bloom, L. 25, 27, 31, 32, 92, 93
blow breathing 73
boat pose 59
partner 138
orientation 126
shared reading 124–5, 129–32, 133–4
and yoga 43, 132–8
bound angle pose 60
breath of fire 77
yogic 15–16
see also respiration
benefits 80
in child development stages 71–9
for speech sound disorders 79
development of speech breathing 71
and motor planning 85
bridge pose 60–1, 99–100
Bronnfenbrenner, U. 54
Buckely-Green, A. 18
bunny breath 75
“butterfly hands” 99
butterfly pose 136
Campbell, C. 63
candle breath 75
candle and candelabra poses 117
cat-cow poses 62
caterpillar pose 136
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
44, 49, 50
chakras 101–2
chanting 86–8
smile chant 78
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