Yoga for Speech-Language Development

(Steven Felgate) #1
Index 175

Late Syntactic-Semantic Complexity Stage
35, 125
lexical growth 94
linguistic-symbolic planning 81–2
listening breathing 73
literacy artifacts 123–4
literacy events 124–5
literacy knowledge 126
literacy socialization 123–6, 139–40
literacy/metalinguistic awareness 126–9,
lizard pose 98

mantra breath 78
massage 57–8, 65–6
mats 110–12
meditation 16–17
Merina, A. 122
metalinguistic/linguistic awareness 126–9,
Miller, J. 30, 31, 34, 35
mindfulness 16–17
miniature replicas of animals/objects 112–13
“motherese” 57
motor planning 81–3
in yoga 20, 83–5, 89–90
for speech 86–9
mountain breath 78
mountain pose 100
mountain to chair pose 84
multiple readings of books 135
multisensory modalities 88–9
multisensory processing 139

“Namaste” 41, 83, 103–4, 135
narratives/stories 35, 125
nature breath 78
neurodevelopmental disabilities see special
needs; specific types
Nippold, M.A. 77, 94
noun categories and poses 96, 97
numbers 102
Norbury, C.F. 104, 138, 139

One-Word Stage 31, 32, 33
open ended questions 130–1
organization in play 116–18
owl pose 111, 112

Pan, B.A. 93
“parentese” 57
parents see family classes; infant-caregiver
classes; infant-caregiver practices
partner boat pose 138

Paul, R. 30, 31, 34, 35, 104, 138, 139
Pence, K.L. 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129,
130, 135
Pence Turnbull, K.L. 30, 31, 36, 47, 49, 64,
91, 92, 104, 122, 127, 129
“people poses” 119
Pepper, J. 57, 66
phonological awareness 36–7, 127, 128 , 137
Piaget, J. 21, 106–7, 108, 118, 121
play 21, 106–7, 121
development stages 107–8
decontextualization 109–13
organization 116–18
self-other 118–20, 121
thematic content 113–16
and language relationships 109
poses 13–15
animals named in 114, 115
sequential 116–18
sound and movement 115–16
vocabulary and linguistic concept
development 95–104
see also specific poses
prelinguistic communication 20, 54–5, 67
books and other resources 66–7
yoga practices 56–66
Prelinguistic Intentional stage 30, 55
preschool years see toddler and preschool
presymbolic play 107
print awareness 129
Prizant, B.M. 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 125
pronouns 104
props in play 109–13
Quinn, L. 18
reciprocity 63
referential and expressive styles 33
relational and substantive words 31–2
representational gestures 64–5
process 68–70
for speech production 70–1
see also breathwork
rhyming words 137
Ristuccia, C. 99, 132, 137–8
routines and repetition 30, 135
Rowe, M.L. 93
Satchidananda, S. 12
scaffolds in book reading 124–5
school settings 18–19
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