Yoga Journal USA – May 2019

(Tuis.) #1

Yoga Journal caught up with yoga teacher Chelsey Korus to learn a simple yoga move to boost your
energy and uplevel your practice. Watch the guided video at

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Start at the top of your mat. Get down in a deep squat, place your hands on
your mat and step back into a plank. Step forward up to your hands, squat,
and extend through the hips.

Add in a hop to plank position and a hop back to your hands.

Level up with a chaturanga push-up in plank position and finish with a
jump towards the sky.

After hopping back to plank, throw in a mountain climber: bring your
right knee to your right elbow and then, left knee to left elbow.

Yogis, are you tired of being tired? Me too! That’s why my friends at Flora and I have created four
variations on one movement to uplevel your energy. It will take you out of your yoga box but still
leave you within the four corners of your mat.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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