ImagineFX – October 2019

(Nora) #1





“I wanted to work on an autonomous,
walking multiple-missile launcher. I added
some anti-tank and personal defence
capabilities that are similar to some Russian
army designs, where almost every available
weapon is mounted on a single vehicle! This
is a study that’s done just for fun. The name
of this image is Shub-Niggurath.
I have different ways of working,
depending on my clients. My approach for
this vehicle is a ‘drash’. It’s a made-up word

  • drawing and photobash – a joke with my
    friend, the artist Ben Mauro. This is my way
    of creating a detailed, anime-style image. It

was inspired by the short anime A Farewell
to Weapons by Katsuhiro Otomo. The name
Shub-Niggurath comes from HP Lovecraft’s
mythology, which means The Black Goat of
the Woods with a Thousand Young. I’ll let
you speculate on why I chose this name, but
I found it appropriate for this design.
For me, it always starts in my photobank.
I already have an idea of the overall design,
so now I’m looking for some good photos
that I could start from. I try to always use a
large JPEG or PNG – nothing under 1,000x
1,000px, if possible. Once I’ve chosen an
image, I make it black and white. I select the

Filters menu and choose Find Edges. Then
I adjust the amount of black and white using
Levels to either show more material
information or present a cleaner surface (1).
Then I draw or erase into the developing
image. I press X to switch quickly between
black and white, to avoid using the Eraser for
now. I’ll then paint using Multiply layers, and
continue until I’m happy with the design
(2) (3). Next, I work on the decals, the
weathering, the light and shadow (4) (5).
Once this stage is complete I add some
effects and some blurring to help create
some depth, then call the image done (6).”



Nivanh takes us through the inspirations and creative process behind his walking “drash”


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