Australian Yoga Journal – August 2019

(WallPaper) #1


august/september 2019

“Put simply, CBD oil and hemp seed oil will not get you
stoned! And, while hemp seed oil has some wonderful
benefi ts, CBD oil is next level.”

time, she released a podcast episode
titled ‘What if we all just did whatever
the fuck we want?’ where she discusses
CBD oil and how ingesting it through a
vaporising pen has had incredible
benefi ts for her asthma.
Beyond that, there are yogis near and
far who are boasting the benefi ts of can-
nabis for mental and physical health.
Instagram yogis @trippytreez, @karma_
stoned and @yogaandweed are just some
of Insta-yogis promoting cannabis as
the perfect yoga companion. These yogis
share images of toking whilst striking a
pose and promote yoga classes that
combine the two. The benefi ts? Height-
ened sensory awareness, improved ease
of movement and a deeper sense of con-
nection —for a start.
In Australia the legalities around
marijuana consumption mean that most
of these practices are off-limits for us.
But one way that alternative health
enthusiasts are accessing the potential
of this super-plant is through CBD oil.

Hemp products (like hemp seeds, oil
and materials) are extracted from hemp,
and CBD oil is extracted from
marijuana. The THC (psychoactive
compound of the plant) is removed from
both hemp seed oil and CBD oil. But
because hemp seed oil contains little to
no CBD, the benefi ts of CBD cannot be
accessed via hemp oil. However, CBD oil
(obviously) contains CBD, and therefore
its users can reap the benefi ts of this
particular compound.
Put simply, CBD oil and hemp seed
oil will not get you stoned! And, while

hemp seed oil has some wonderful
benefi ts, CBD oil is next level.
Despite CBD oil’s low levels of THC,
and hence no psychoactive effects, it is
still illegal to take internally in
Australia. So, when CBD oil is sold
here, it is sold as a topical product,
not to be ingested.

It’s only recently that researchers have
been investing energy into exploring
CBD oil. One current study, headed by a
Harvard professor, is looking at the
potential for CBD oil to relieve women
of menstrual pain and discomfort.
Research from 2014 indicated that
CBD has a positive interaction with
serotonin receptors in the brain, which
may be useful in treating depression.
Current studies are looking at CBD oil’s
impact on everything from acne to sleep
apnoea, and research is even going into
how CBD can support cancer patients.
Of course it’s early days yet, but there’s
at least been a big swing of the
pendulum from viewing marijuana
and all of its components as terrifying
drugs to something that potentially
benefi ts your health.

While the research is still growing,
there’s so much anecdotal evidence to
support the benefi ts of CBD oil. Yoga

Girl credits CBD to not needing to use
her asthma inhaler anymore. Jolie
Parcher, a New York based yoga teacher
and studio owner explains that CBD
“helps to quiet that ‘drunken monkey
mind’” as well as provide relief for aches
and pains and allow students to move
more freely due to its anti-infl ammatory
properties. There’s even a yoga teacher
in southern California who calls herself
‘The CBD Yoga Teacher’ who has
experienced extraordinary relief through
the use of the oil and so integrates it into
her classes. She says, “CBD has by far
out performed any and every anxiety/
PTSD medication I have ever tried.”



While we shouldn’t accept CBD
as a cure-all, studies have and
continue to support its healing
properties. Research has indicated
that CBD can help with the relief of:

  • Inflammation and pain

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Epilepsy and seizures

  • Diabetes


august/september 2019

“Put simply, CBD oil and hemp seed oil will not get you
stoned! And, while hemp seed oil has some wonderful
benefi ts, CBD oil is next level.”

time, she released a podcast episode
titled ‘What if we all just did whatever
the fuck we want?’ where she discusses
CBD oil and how ingesting it through a
vaporising pen has had incredible
benefi ts for her asthma.
Beyond that, there are yogis near and
far who are boasting the benefi ts of can-
nabis for mental and physical health.
Instagram yogis @trippytreez, @karma_
stoned and @yogaandweed are just some
of Insta-yogis promoting cannabis as
the perfect yoga companion. These yogis
share images of toking whilst striking a
pose and promote yoga classes that
combine the two. The benefi ts? Height-
ened sensory awareness, improved ease
of movement and a deeper sense of con-
nection —for a start.
In Australia the legalities around
marijuana consumption mean that most
of these practices are off-limits for us.
But one way that alternative health
enthusiasts are accessing the potential
of this super-plant is through CBD oil.

Hemp products (like hemp seeds, oil
and materials) are extracted from hemp,
and CBD oil is extracted from
marijuana. The THC (psychoactive
compound of the plant) is removed from
both hemp seed oil and CBD oil. But
because hemp seed oil contains little to
no CBD, the benefi ts of CBD cannot be
accessed via hemp oil. However, CBD oil
(obviously) contains CBD, and therefore
its users can reap the benefi ts of this
particular compound.
Put simply, CBD oil and hemp seed
oil will not get you stoned! And, while

hemp seed oil has some wonderful
benefi ts, CBD oil is next level.
Despite CBD oil’s low levels of THC,
and hence no psychoactive effects, it is
still illegal to take internally in
Australia. So, when CBD oil is sold
here, it is sold as a topical product,
not to be ingested.

It’s only recently that researchers have
been investing energy into exploring
CBD oil. One current study, headed by a
Harvard professor, is looking at the
potential for CBD oil to relieve women
of menstrual pain and discomfort.
Research from 2014 indicated that
CBD has a positive interaction with
serotonin receptors in the brain, which
may be useful in treating depression.
Current studies are looking at CBD oil’s
impact on everything from acne to sleep
apnoea, and research is even going into
how CBD can support cancer patients.
Of course it’s early days yet, but there’s
at least been a big swing of the
pendulum from viewing marijuana
and all of its components as terrifying
drugs to something that potentially
benefi ts your health.

While the research is still growing,
there’s so much anecdotal evidence to
support the benefi ts of CBD oil. Yoga

Girl credits CBD to not needing to use
her asthma inhaler anymore. Jolie
Parcher, a New York based yoga teacher
and studio owner explains that CBD
“helps to quiet that ‘drunken monkey
mind’” as well as provide relief for aches
and pains and allow students to move
more freely due to its anti-infl ammatory
properties. There’s even a yoga teacher
in southern California who calls herself
‘The CBD Yoga Teacher’ who has
experienced extraordinary relief through
the use of the oil and so integrates it into
her classes. She says, “CBD has by far
out performed any and every anxiety/
PTSD medication I have ever tried.”



While we shouldn’t accept CBD
as a cure-all, studies have and
continue to support its healing
properties. Research has indicated
that CBD can help with the relief of:

  • Inflammation and pain

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Epilepsy and seizures

  • Diabetes

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