Web User - UK (2019-10-16)

(Antfer) #1

Kodi-Control (bit.ly/kodi486) offers
playback controls for the popular
media-centresoftware. Assoonas you
start playing avideoin your browser, the
tool kicks in. Click the iconto see all the
usual playback options, plusa few extras
including avolume slider. It also lets you
navigate content using the arrowkeys or
your mouse-wheel.
Any media you viewwhile Kodi-
Control is runningis storedandlistedin
your history, so you can jumpback to
any point in time.However, it’s the
sharing options that Kodi users will find most useful. Tosendvideos, images
and music to your Kodi device, just click the linkin the browser tool’s History.
A second methodis to right-click the media link, choose Kodi-Control, thenselect
either ‘send linkto Kodi’ or ‘send linkto Kodi queue’.

Best New Browser Tools

Tell us yourfavourite add-ons atwww.facebook.com/webusermagazine 16 - 29 October 2019^33

Control Kodi directly from


FindYouTube videos using
WhenYouTubers upload their videos,
they’re asked to addtags to eachone,
which benefits YouTube’s mystical
‘algorithm’. If only you could see these
tags, you’d be able to findsimilar or
related videos without blindly relyingon
YouTube’s recommendations.

YouTubeTags (bit.ly/tags 486 ) adds
precisely this functionto any YouTube
video. Scroll down, just pastthe video
screen, to see the video details and,
alongside avideosummary andoptions
to share, you’ll finda new category:
Tags, which displays all the video’s tags.
Unfortunately, these aren’t clickable,
but they give you anideaof how each
videois positioned(beware potential
spoilers). You could evenpop the tags
into the searchbox to findothervideos
you may like.

Record your screen
Desktop ScreenRecord
does exactlywhat its name
suggests. Click the extension’s
toolbar buttonandyou can
capture videos of what’s onyour
screen– and
it doesn’t
needto be
the Opera
you three
options for
selecting the VideoSource:
Entire Screen, Application
Window andBrowser Tab.
Beneath this, you can opt to add
sound via the Systemor
Microphone, or keepyour
recording mute. Once you’re set
up, click Start Recording and
choose which screenor window
to capture. Finally, select Share
to start your recording.

Domore with your
new tabs
Microsoft’s latest update
to its Chromium-basedEdge
browser brings someextra
options for new tabs. Opena
new tab andclick the cog
button. Alongsidethe usual
page-layout settings, there is a
new option– Custom. Here, you
can turn off ‘Imageof the Day’
andQuick Links, anduse the
drop-down Content menuto
decide what content is shown on
the New Tab page. Toswitchon
dark mode for new tabs, open
the three-dot menu buttonand
navigating to Settings, then
Appearance.Under Customize
Browser, you’ll findthree
choices: System, Light andDark.


This fortnight’s most useful tips and add-ons to help you get the

most from Chrome, Firefox, Opera and more

Turn every web page
black and white
Who needs dark mode whenyou have
Darkify Everything (bit.ly/
darkify486)? Instead of inverting
colours, this tool is similar to the
greyscaleoption on phones, making
everythingona page monochrome.
The greyscalefeature was originally
created to help combat smartphone
addiction. Bright colours stimulate
our brainsandkeepus engaged
(rathertoo much, it seems), so turning
the screenblack andwhite should
make it lessappealing.
Now, you can see if that theory
holds up onyour computer. Darkify
Everythingis lessintrusive thandark
mode, which oncertain websites
doesn’t look great. The tool works on
text, imagesandevenvideos, and
makes late-night browsing lessof an
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