Truckin’ – November 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

With 70-plus custom trucks coming out of Plan
B in only six years, it’s no surprise the shop is at the
top of its game. As the owner of the leading shop
in Central Florida, Rob takes pride in his work.
And with his team of dedicated builders—Ronald
“Junior” Black, Tim Taylor, Brendon Thompson,
Jason Dvroak, and Travis Schaub—customers’
trucks will always be in good hands. Take one
look at Rob’s personal Ford F-250 and you’ll know
why he’s an influencer in the truck scene. A special
thanks goes to Rob’s father, Ricky, for everything
he taught him and always helping him to be the
very best he can be.

  • TRUCKIN.COM [3 0 ] NOVEMBER 2019 -


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