MaximumPC 2007 H

(Dariusz) #1


e pit the highest-capacity note-
book hard drive against the fast-
est notebook hard drive; then we
throw both into a steel cage with what may
very well be the fastest solid state drive on
Earth. The results will shock you!
—Gordon Mah UnG

Mtron MSd-S25032
An early 16GB SATA solid-state drive from
Mtron wowed us, but that was just the
beginning. The company’s 32GB version of
the drive slays all other contenders for the
speed crown.
How fast is this bad boy? We put it up
against a desktop Western Digital 150GB
10,000rpm Raptor for reference, and the
32GB Mtron MSD-S25032 flat-out smoked
it. In fact, the only reason the MSD-S25032
isn’t the fastest hard drive we’ve ever
tested is because it’s not a hard drive—it’s
a solid-state drive.
So it goes without saying that the other
two drives reviewed here, the Seagate
Momentus and the Western Digital Scorpio,

had no chance of touch-
ing the Mtron’s benchmark
scores. You can read the
scores for yourself and
weep for disk-based stor-
age. Average read speeds
of 138MB/s—equivalent to
those of a striped RAID—and
a .1-second access time put
hard drives to shame.
The access time is no
surprise, as this drive stores
data in nonvolatile flash RAM
instead of the magnetic plat-
ters of a hard drive. This
greatly improves reliability
since there are no moving
parts to crash, no bearings to
wear out, and no delay while
waiting for the head to seek.
To test the drive’s durability,
we repeatedly pounded it on
a lab bench while we ran our benchmarks.
That treatment would kill most hard drives,
but the Mtron shrugged it off without even
a performance dip.
In HD Tach, the Mtron’s average
read speeds of 138MB/s blazed past the
48MB/s achieved by the fastest notebook
drive we’ve tested, Seagate’s Momentus
7200.2. Even the desktop 10,000rpm
Raptor (reviewed March 2006) can achieve
only 92MB/s average read speeds. The
MSD-S25032 produced similar results
with HD Tune, achieving read speeds of
We also used PCMark05’s hard-drive
suite to judge real-world workloads.
PCMark05 uses trace patterns to simu-
late the read and write loads that a drive
goes through when booting Windows XP
or starting Microsoft Word, the Mozilla
browser, Acrobat Reader 5, or virus scan
workloads. The MSD-S25032 crushed all
other hard drives in these tests. We saw a
healthy boost in our Photoshop CS2 test,
as well, but no major gains in hibernation
time or XP boot times. Perhaps the bottle-
neck is the OS?
Unless our benchmarks are lying to us,
the MSD-S25032 is the fastest notebook

drive available, achieving near RAID 0 per-
formance with a single drive.
Despite the amazing performance,
there’s an obvious shortcoming. Let’s
face it, 32GB isn’t much capacity today.
And the speed comes at an exorbitant
price. The MSD-S25032 costs a whopping
$2,000. (We’re told by the U.S. distributor
of the drive,, that it should
be in the $1,000 range very soon.)
Still, for those who need amazing
durability and speed, the MSD-S25032 is a
winner. Despite the sticker shock, with this
kind of performance, we have no choice
but to award Mtron’s MSD-S25032 high

Notebook Drive


Solid state vs. spinning platters: What tech will win this grudge match?

Meet the Mtron MSd-S25032, aka the
fastest notebook drive on the planet.

reviews Tes Ted. Reviewed. veRdic Tized

84 MAXIMUMPC holiday 2007

data pack rats, rejoice! Western digital’s Scorpio fits
250GB into a notebook hd.


mtron msd-s25032

rocky erickSon
By far, the best perfor-
mance in a notebook drive;
nothing to break.
rocky road^9
Room for only the OS and
one Blu-ray rip. MAXIMUMPC


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