The Economist UK - 21.09.2019

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4 Contents The EconomistSeptember 21st 2019


PublishedsinceSeptember 1843
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and an unworthy, timid ignorance
obstructing our progress.”
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Volume 432 Number 9161

63 Planning for rising seas
64 Haze in South-East Asia
65 Chinese students in
65 Swine flu marches on
66 BanyanDemocrats,

67 Climate targets
68 Einstein on display
69 ChaguanAtheists get

71 Small islands and climate

73 Climate capitalists
74 Rising risks to Planet Inc
75 Bartleby Asia’s Masters
of Business
76 Purdue Pharma no more?
76 The woes of WeWork
77 The Kaeser of Siemens
80 Schumpeter The lessons
of Stephen Schwarzman

Finance & economics
81 Insurers face the storm
83 Money-market turmoil
84 China’s statist model
84 Cum-ex deals in court
87 ButtonwoodRich Pickens
88 Free exchangeAdaptation
v mitigation

Science & technology
89 Climate uncertainties
90 Travertine and climate

Books & arts
93 Art and climate change
94 Booksellers and the law
96 Samantha Power’s memoir
96 Emma Donoghue’s novel
97 JohnsonThe best

Economic & financial indicators
100 Statisticson 42 economies

Graphic detail
101 Theeffectofa warmingArcticwillbe felt far afield

102 Okjökull, a glacier remembered
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