The Economist USA - 21.09.2019

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REPUBLIC OF TOGO - Ministry of Economy and Finance
International pre-qualification notice as part of the privatisation of BTCI and UTB banks
The Government of the Republic of Togo (the “Government”) represented by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, has decided to proceed with the pre-
qualification of investors for the privatisation of the Banque Togolaise pour le Commerce et l’Industrie (“BTCI”) and the Union Togolaise de Banque (“UTB”) as part
of its divestment policy from the banking sector.
BTCI and UTB banks, with respective total balance sheets of FCFA 198 billion and FCFA 281 billion as at December 31, 2018, have extensive networks throughout
the territory. They offer to their respective customers (individuals and businesses) efficient products and services, allowing them to be presented as Togolese
reference banks.
The Government intends to sell its shareholdings and/or open up the majority of the capital of these two banks to strategic investors with strong banking and
financial experience that allows such banks to achieve their full potential and continue their ongoing development.
To this end, the Government by this notice calls for a pre-qualification from strategic investors (the “Bidders”) who might be interested by the pre-qualification
process as part of the privatisation of BTCI and UTB banks.
The selection of Bidders will take place in two stages through a tender process. Bidders are invited, first, to pre-qualify in order to participate in the final tender
process. Only pre-qualified Bidders may participate in this second stage. The list of pre-qualifying criteria, required statements and necessary documents to be
provided to the Government, is included in the two pre-qualification documents to which this notice is subject to.
Candidatesmayobtainthepre-qualificationdocumentswhichareavailablefromSeptember30, 2019 fromoneof thebelowlistedpersons:

Therequestshallbemadebymailorbyemailandshallstatethatit is a “RequestforPre-qualificationDocumentsforBTCIand/orforUTB”. Thedocumentswill
be sent in a sealed envelope and the sender shall in no event be liable for delays or loss suffered in its delivery.
Pre-qualification requests, to be made in a sealed envelope, must be filed no later than November 22, 2019 at 10 am (UT) to the Director General of the Treasury
and Public Accounting, whose address is mentioned in the previous paragraph, with the following explicit mention: “Request of pre-selection for the privatisation
of BTCI and/or UTB”.
The Government reserves the right to accept or reject any request received after the deadline specified above.
The Bidders will be informed on the results of their application in accordance with the conditions and in the manner provided by the pre-qualification documents.

Mr. Ekpao Adjabo
Director General of the Treasury and Public
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Immeuble CASEF
BP 3521 Lomé
Tel. : + 228 22 21 27 54
Email : [email protected]

Mr. Stéphane de Vaucelles
Managing Partner
Compagnie Financière CADMOS
Rond Point Schuman 11
1040 Brussels
Tel. : + 32 2 256 75 57
Fax : + 32 2 256 75 03
Email : [email protected]

Mr. Toussaint de Souza
KPMG Côte d’Ivoire
Immeuble Woodin Center, Avenue Noguès Plateau
01 BP 3172 – Abidjan 01
Côte d’Ivoire
Tel. : + 225 20 22 57 53
Fax : + 225 20 21 42 97
Email : [email protected]

United States
Richard Dexter
Tel: +1 212 554 0662
[email protected]

Olivia Power
Tel: +44 20 7576 8539
[email protected]

Middle East & Africa
Philip Wrigley
Tel: +44 20 7576 8091
[email protected]

Connie Tsui
Tel: +852 2585 3211
[email protected]

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