Nandigram agitations, she should
have shown sagacity by aggressively
courting investments in automobiles,
engineering, food processing,
pharmaceuticals and chemicals, and
like Narendra Modi as Gujarat chief
minister, should have turned to
China for big ticket investments.”
Instead of single-mindedly
pursuing the investments route to
reviving industry in Bengal, which
had been laid to waste by the Left,
the TMC outdid the Marxists in
political patronage. There was no
real urgency on her part to draw up
a blueprint, for that could have at
least conveyed to the people that she
meant business.
Her 2011 election manifesto was
quickly abandoned and she launched
into theatrics, inanities and opening
the floodgates of corruption and
criminalisation of the polity self-
glorification, free allowance to some
of her closest aides to resort to loot,
involving members of her extended
family to be part of the skimming
and appeasement of the Muslim
minority to an extent that put the
CPI(M) to shame.
In between her less than infantile
statements – like Rabindranath
Tagore and Shakespeare having
taken walks together by the Thames
- bought her loads of ridicule.
One of the chief public complaints
against her was her patronage to
thugs and criminals who
masqueraded as politicians. The
result of this “allowance” was the
rise of a “syndicate” a criminal-
politician nexus that turned
parasitic. This syndicate controlled
the real estate and construction
markets, forcing the people to buy
from them rather than from
legitimate sellers. The syndicate’s
grip and writ ran not just in Kolkata
but across West Bengal. No wonder
now that Mamata is witnessing a
rapid erosion of her political ground
that she has begun to openly voice
her “anger” against her party
colleagues’ practice of accumulating
“cut money” (some prefer the
abbreviation, CM).
Indeed, Mamata’s second term in
office was marked by internecine
battles between various groups
within her party seeking to partake
off the proceeds of extortion.
Blind to extortion
A former senior journalist, who did
not want to be identified, said:
“Mamata knew all along about the
existence and extortions of the
syndicate, but turned a blind eye to
it because it helped swell the party’s
coffers. And now that she is faced
with an electoral challenge, she is
trying to rid herself of the taint. This
may not work as her party faces the
threat of implosion.” No senior TMC
leader was prepared to comment on
the record.
It is not that the TMC did not
work to lay claim to achievements.
The doles and patronage, in the form
of schemes for school girls and
women, the laying of cemented
roads in many villages, where too
party functionaries benefitted from
skimming, and improving municipal
services in Kolkata were amplified
and projected as “great deeds” by the
chief minister.
In development-starved Bengal,
such patronage was more like a drop
in the ocean that helped a miniscule
section of the population.
According to Bhaumik, what
The emBrace of The muslims grew TighTer and
had iTs uninTended consequence: The drifT
among several Bengali hindu communiTies
Towards The Bjp picked up rapid pace