
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Managing stress
If you have built a strong team during
prosperous, good times, it will withstand
short-term pressures, but you may
need to invest time in team meetings
and calm tensions to maintain balance.
Your goal should be to keep your team
members stretched and working to their
best ability, but not stressed. Remember
that stresses are cumulative: a team
member may be able to tolerate stress
at work for a short while if the other
aspects of their life are running well.
However, if stress in the workplace is
only one of many issues a team member
is dealing with at the same time, then
problems may arise that you should
acknowledge and discuss.


1 I often buy new books and have time to read them .........................

2 People remark on how open I am to new ideas ...............................

3 I have a regular exercise routine .....................................................

4 I usually get a good night’s sleep .....................................................

5 I have enough energy to see me through each day .........................

6 I express my feelings ........................................................................

7 I know who I am and that’s fine ........................................................

8 I have a clear sense of purpose in my life and make a real
contribution at work ..........................................................................

Achieving balance in your life

You may need to invest

Participating in meetings

and calm tensions to

maintain balance

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