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Managing your time

While you can raise additional capital for your business, employ
more people, and buy more machinery, there will only ever be
24 hours in a day. Time is one of the few commodities you
cannot buy, but there are many
techniques to help you use your
time more effectively.

Tracking your time
Before you can start actively managing
your time, you need to find out how you
spend it. Rather than just guessing,
measure and record your expenditure
of time over a period of at least a week
in a time log. When you have completed
the analysis, consider if the way you
spend time reflects your key objectives.
For example, you may find that you
spend five percent of your time visiting
customers. Is this activity one that
delivers key results (because it
generates sales)? If it is, you need
to consider whether you would be
more effective by spending more
time on this activity.

How to set up a time log

As you work, record in the
right-hand column the letter of
the activity you have completed
in the last 15 minutes.

At the end of the week, analyze
how you have spent your time and
draw a pie chart to show where
your time goes.

Planning encourages you to think

not just about the day ahead, but
also the more distant future

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