
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Being confident

Confidence is precious. It enables you to do what you want to do without
constant fear of failure, or even despite fear on some occasions, and to
maintain your sense of self-worth and not be dependent on what other
people think. If you’re confident, you can take center stage when you
want—you don’t always have to linger in the background.

Thinking positive
The first step in building your confidence
is to pay attention to what you’re thinking.
Concentrate on your positive thoughts.
It’s very easy to focus on the negative.
You probably find that when you have
been given feedback, at your appraisal
perhaps, you concentrate solely on the
one negative comment even though
there were five positive comments.

Creating good thoughts
To help overcome this, build a bank of
achievements and positive comments
that you can contemplate and reflect
on whenever you feel uncertain about
yourself and your abilities. Take some
time to yourself and sit down with a pen
and paper, and answer the following
simple questions:

  • What have I achieved in the last year^
    and in the last five years?

  • What am I most proud of? What did^
    it feel like when I did it?

  • What am I good at? Create a list^
    of your talents and skills.

  • What compliments have I received^
    from others?
    Concentrate solely on the positives of
    each situation, don’t let negative “but”
    thoughts creep in. Commit the answers
    to your “achievement bank” and draw
    on them in moments of doubt.

Pay attention to what you’re

thinking. Concentrate on
your positive thoughts

Focusing on others can

create an increase in

confidence of up to

67 %

What have I achieved

in the last year and in
the last five years?

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