
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Working a conference
Try not to take too much with you to a conference.
If you’re loaded with bags, files, a laptop, and
stacks of sales brochures, it’s hard to appear
cool and collected.

At conferences, make an effort to introduce your contacts to other
people. The generally accepted rule is to introduce the junior person to
the more senior. So, introduce a colleague to a customer or a manager
to a director. Try to say something about the person you are introducing
that will provide a starting point for conversation. For example: “Leo, I’d
like to introduce Annabelle, who worked on our corporate responsibility
program.” Don’t hesitate to ask someone to introduce you to one of their
contacts if it’s difficult for you to do so yourself.

In focus

Choosing an event
Conferences are excellent arenas for networking,
because they bring together a group of individuals
who have a variety of interests in a common subject.
At a conference on corporate responsibility, for
example, you are likely to meet people from other
organizations who are in a similar position to you,
as well as experts in various aspects of the subject.
You may make contacts with suppliers of equipment
that could reduce your company’s environmental
impact, or consultants who could provide advice.

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