
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Speaking provides a richer context—
it includes the use of nonverbal cues
and allows for more emotion. This
communication form is less rigid,
as it leaves no permanent record.
It may also be much quicker.
Speaking to others also invites
their participation. It may be the
best way to elicit ideas, size up
other people’s feelings, and even
discover any possible objections
to your message before decisions
have been made and formalized
in writing. Once something is
written down, people tend to feel
committed to that course of action,
even if the documents can easily
be revised. A conversation or
discussion, on the other hand,
has a more transitory feel to it:
it is flowing and flexible, and less
permanent and formal than written
forms of communication.

Don’t just choose the easiest
form of communication. Stop,
consider your options, and
choose the right channel and
medium for your message.


In focus

We’re all familiar with the old rule:
“Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you.” It’s a good rule,
but it contains a small flaw. What
if others don’t want to receive the
same treatment as you? What if their
preferences are, in fact, significantly
different? The Platinum Rule,
devised by communication expert
Tony Alessandra, who has advised

When to speak

companies such as Apple, Ford,
and IBM, is a variation of that
age-old maxim: “Do unto others
as they want to be done unto.”
This means treat others as they
want to be treated, not how you
think they should be treated.
Communicate with others in
the manner that they prefer and
you’ll get what you want: their
time, attention, and cooperation.

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