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Communicating to persuade

Whether your are trying to sell a product, convince your superiors
to release more resources, convince an investor, or win a promotion,
you need a clear strategy to persuade your audience. Removing the
barriers to people saying “yes” is a two-way process.

If you want to motivate people to do
something, you first have to catch
their attention. Research shows
that we selectively choose what to
pay attention to, both as a defense
mechanism against sensory
overload, and because we seek
out messages with particular
value for us. We ignore virtually
everything else. There are two
ways to capture attention:

  • Use physical stimuli, such as^
    bright lights, sound, motion,
    or color.

  • Present stimuli that relate^
    directly to the needs or goals
    of those you want to persuade.

Next, you need to provide a reason
for people to act. A persuasive writer
or speaker is one who can lead
others to believe in what he or she is
advocating, and then encourage some
form of behavior in line with that belief.
This amounts to giving good reasons
for what you believe. These are
not reasons you think are good, but
reasons your team thinks are good.
Identify the needs and interests of
your team and connect them to your
message. Which of their needs are
you fulfilling? Appeal to their sense
of rationality—show why it makes
sense to act on your message. Or
call on their sense of conformity,
by showing how well others will view
them if they act on your message.


Understanding the audience
Before you can expect your request to
be understood and considered, you first
need to understand your audience. What
are their interests, their motivators,
and their possible objections to your
proposal? Most successful attempts at

persuasion involve four separate,
yet related, steps. Following these
steps won’t guarantee success with
any particular audience, but they will
set the stage for the attitudes you’re
trying to shape in your team and the
behavior you hope will follow.

US_290-291_Comm_to_Persuade.indd 290 31/05/16 5:29 pm

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