
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Holding the audience

Keeping interest
You have prepared an interesting
presentation. You are delivering it with
conviction using a good range of visual
materials and rhetorical devices. Yet
when you look out, you don’t get the
reassurance of attentive expressions
on the faces of the audience; you may
even detect signs of distraction.

Perhaps your audience is tired, or your
presentation is the last in a grueling
day, or maybe you are delivering some
difficult material. In any case, you need
to take action fast:

-^ Ask the audience if they can hear^
and understand your words and if
they are comfortable. Take remedial
steps if necessary.

Novelty and expectation will keep your audience focused through the
early parts of your presentation. But keeping their attention once they
are accustomed to the sound of your voice and your presentation style
can be more of a challenge. Look for signs of disengagement, and
be prepared to act quickly to bring the audience back on track.

Reading signs from the audience

>>^ Chin resting^
on hand

>>^ Legs relaxed^
and parallel

>>^ Clasped fingers
>>^ Making eye

>>^ Nodding in
>>Leaning forward


US_344-345_Holding_audience.indd 344 30/05/16 3:05 pm

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