
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Succeeding with formal


Crafting your content
Delivering a formal speech at an official
or ceremonial occasion requires a
particular method of preparation.
Formal speeches may be read verbatim
from a script, delivered from detailed
cards, or delivered extemporaneously
based on careful preparation. However,
they lack important features of other
presentations: visual aids are rarely
used, and the speaker is physically
separated from the audience, limiting
the degree of interaction.
As with other presentations, consider
who will be in the audience and what they
need, as well as the messages you want
the audience to receive.

Speaking naturally
Match your delivery to the nature of the
occasion; evening receptions, for
example, are not the time for complex
content—the audience is more inclined to
be entertained. Without visual aids,
handouts, or interactivity, your words
must carry the full weight of your
message. Keep your sentences short and
confine yourself to one point per sentence.
Emulate the natural rhythms of speech
in your script, keeping your sentences
flowing naturally. Although the occasion
may be formal, don’t use “sophisticated”
vocabulary solely to try to impress
your audience. Instead, use everyday
language in a concise and accurate way.

Formal speeches such as keynote addresses, appearances at award
ceremonies, and addresses to trade conferences and plenary sessions
follow structured formats and are often delivered in large group
settings. Look on them less as a chance to inform—more to entertain
your audience while enhancing your own reputation.

There is a limit to the level
of detail people can absorb
while listening as opposed
to reading. Test your speech
on someone who hasn’t
heard it and check that
they understand.


59 %

of presentations in one survey

were appreciated for their

clarity, followed by pace

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