
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Creating a fairness frame
In addition, a negotiator’s level of
satisfaction and willingness to follow
through with an agreement are usually
determined by their perception of the
level of fairness of the procedure
(procedural fairness), and also the way
they feel they have been treated by the
other party (interactional fairness).

Fairness is a subjective issue. When
negotiating, if you first define what you
consider to be fair, you can then use
this “fairness frame” as a bargaining
strategy in your discussions with the
other party. Alternatively, if you state the
importance of fairness at the beginning
of the negotiation process, it may
encourage the other party to be fair.


Ensure that all negotiating
parties can understand and
describe the pie-slicing
procedures you use to
guarantee smooth


Confirm that all parties
in the negotiation are in
complete agreement
on the method of slicing
the pie.


Make sure that all parties
are able to explain why
you are slicing the pie this
way to someone else.


Make sure that all
parties are happy with
the results—they are
then more likely to
follow through with
the agreement.

Define what you consider
to be fair—you can then use

this “fairness frame” as
a bargaining strategy in

your discussions

US_396-397_Negotiating_fairly.indd 397 30/05/16 3:06 pm
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