
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Emphasizing benefits
A group of home-owners in California
was given the advice that “if you insulate
your home, you will gain 50 cents a day.”
Another group was told that “if you fail
to insulate your home, you will lose 50
cents a day.” More home owners under
the second set of instructions insulated
their homes than under the first set of
instructions. Similarly, you are more
likely to persuade the other party of the
benefits of your deal if you emphasize
what they would lose if they don’t agree,
not what they could gain if they do.

Negotiators are
generally more

motivated to avoid
losses than they are

to obtain gains

US_408-409_Being_persuasive_1.indd 409 30/05/16 3:07 pm

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