
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Using emotional intelligence
When negotiators are emotionally
overwhelmed, their mental capacity
to negotiate effectively is impaired. To
overcome this, you must manage your
emotions intelligently. You need to
be aware of the emotions you are
experiencing and be able to monitor
and regulate them, and you need to find
ways to empathize with the other party.
When negotiating with any other group
or individual, it is important to make a
conscious attempt to modulate your
irritation. For example, while it might be
frustrating if your counterpart retracts
from an earlier commitment, you could
disguise your irritation and use the term
“misunderstanding” instead of openly
displaying your anger.

Do I use emotional intelligence when negotiating? YES NO

1 Am I able to make an emotional connection with my
counterpart, even if I do not know them very well? .......................

2 Am I able to judge when my own emotions threaten to
affect my ability to make rational decisions? .................................

3 Can I manage my emotions to ensure that I am
always effective? ..............................................................................

4 Am I able to react in a measured way, keeping my emotions
under control, even if the other party is using value-claiming
tactics or behaving in a manner that I do not agree with? ..............

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