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Dealing with many parties

Balancing complex issues
Multiparty negotiations are in many
ways similar to two-party situations but
require a wider set of skills to deal with
their additional complexities, which
include those listed here:

Many business partnerships or deals involve agreements between three
or more different parties, each with its own positions, needs, and goals.
Negotiating in this environment requires dexterity and a constant eye
on the pitfalls, such as coalitions between the parties opposing you.

Social complexity With more
negotiators involved, the social
context becomes complex. In a
two-party negotiation, your focus
is on one individual, but multiparty
negotiations require you to
understand, analyze, and build
relationships with each negotiator.
You must learn to resist social
pressure and protect your interests,
even when faced by a coalition of
parties in the negotiation.

Emotional complexity Negotiating
in a multiparty context can be
very taxing. Hold your emotions
in check; emotional distress often
results in poor decisions.

Strategic complexity Multiple
parties have many interests,
and often conflicts of interest,
between them. Each party has
its BATNA (Best Alternative
To a Negotiated Agreement),
which may change as alliances
are formed. To be well prepared
for a multiparty negotiation,
you will need to constantly
reassess both your own and
your counterparts’ BATNAs.

US_432-433_Dealing_parties_1.indd 432 01/06/16 5:21 pm

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