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Using a coach

Understanding the benefits
Many negotiators do not realize that
they could improve their techniques.
They continue to make the same
type of mistakes because they filter
information, hearing only what they
want to hear, rather than absorbing
the complete information that is
required to perform well. Another
self-serving trap is attribution.
Negotiators often attribute problems
in negotiations to their counterpart
negotiators. An objective coach who
is willing to challenge you can help
raise your awareness of your
limitations and improve your
negotiating performance.

Many negotiators have blind spots, hold false assumptions, and are
prone to repeating their mistakes. Some people continue to fail to
understand the other party’s perspective, are unable to convert
positions to interests, or are unable to manage their emotions. Working
with a coach is an excellent way to gain perspective on your weaknesses
and strengths and develop your skills for greater success.

>>^ Embracing coaching as a way to
become more successful

>>^ Respecting your coach’s
assessment of your weaknesses
>> Using the feedback your coach
gives you to improve your skills

>>^ Rejecting an offer of coaching
because you can’t improve

>>^ Believing that your coach doesn’t
understand your superior approach
>> Dismissing your coach’s advice
because you know better

Do’s Don’ts

of people who thought they had

been assertive in negotiations

were seen as under-assertive

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