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Remaining impartial
The manager’s role as a mediator is similar to that
of other neutral third-party mediators. He or she
is working to the same goal as other mediators: to
help the disputing parties resolve their disputes.
However, as the types of conflict a manager has
to deal with often affect organizational goals and
performance, he or she may sometimes find it
difficult to remain neutral to its consequences. In
order to protect the organization’s interests, the
manager may sometimes have to exercise more
control over how the conflict is mediated and also
over how the dispute will be resolved. In addition,
managers will often have a shared history and
possibly a future relationship with the disputing
parties. Given these challenges, a manager must
do his or her utmost to mediate the dispute in an
unbiased manner.

80 %

of business disputes

are estimated to have

been resolved

through mediation

To protect the organization’s

interests, the manager
may exercise control over

how the conflict is mediated

US_448-449_Being_mediator_2.indd 448 31/05/16 5:29 pm

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